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I Will Help Anyone!!

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TWR | 19:37 Sun 30th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
But do you think the Sally Army are been cheeky asking for £16.00 TV Donations?


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You don't have to give £19 you can give what you can afford. I always give to St. Peter's Hospice (local) and the MacMillan Nurses.
Mike Smash and Dave Nice have nothing on you TWR......keep up the good work.
Gosh TWR I think most of the destruction of trees in the rainforest is tp promote commercialism in Western Society like us. IKEA for example. It's not for the natives!
I've not seen the advert, but if it's a one-off payment of £19, it's not unreasonable. The charity letters I get through the door ask for anything from £3 upwards per month by direct debit, which is £36 p.a.

All charities are trying to make ends meet - why shouldn't they ask?
Shouldn't your question be titled ' I will help most people', as you patently won't help 'anyone'.
Hmm, good point, zacs!
How much is spent on advertising and asking for money?
daisy, I've worked with a number of charities including the hospice movement, and advertising and fund-raising costs are budgeted for in their overall overheads. You have to advertise to get more income - if people aren't reminded, you may get no donations.
And euphoniums!
one that really annoys me at the moment, is the Oxfam, 3quid a month when the woman goes out to see what her 3quid does.
How much did it cost to send her and the camera crew out?
I'm all for the Sally Army, wish I could give them more, they help everyone all the year round, through Christmas and the New Year too, especially the homeless. I don't begrudge them. All the Charities are asking for specific amounts of money now to cover the cost of help. PDSA ask for £10 to cover the cost of medication for a dog.
When my aunt died, my parents offered most of the contents of her flat to the Sally Army, they replied by saying they don't take tat, so I'm afraid I don't hold them in high esteem.
They probably have a well paid Charity fundraising agent, who have come up with £19 from their expensive surveys.

"singing people won't you come,
put your money on the drum,
we're only elevence ha'penny off a bob!
Being reminded? Why when I make small direct debits to more than one charity? Also inundated with letters and phone calls from those I do not subscribe to. Do they pool addresses and phone numbers?
You can go into any of the Salvation Army charity shop and donate any amount you want. I work in one and people have been very generous this year, some give £1.00 someone else gave their heating allowance , as they didn't need it. They only advertise as Christmas and they help everyone, the stories I have heard have been amazing, I didn't realise how much they do, as they don't really advertise .
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Just for you Zac, you sound a miserable old fart but this might cheer you up!! I spent 4 months of my own time, run at my own costs trying to find a burial place of a person with L.D. that no=one else could find, Succeeded in finding quite a few hundred pounds that was owed to my neighbour (90yrs old) with success, there are a few more old fart but I might embarrass you,

Shouldn't your question be titled ' I will help most people', as you patently won't help 'anyone' Oh, by the way, have a happy new year you old fart.

Yes I will help anyone thats in need of it, but I will not be TOLD, ASKED, FEEL GUILTY ABOUT, by these charities.
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To add, the person's I was trying to find & succeeded was the person with L.D. Parents. & NO, I did not want a HALO!!

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