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The Ripper

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murraymints | 22:00 Sun 30th Dec 2012 | Film, Media & TV
26 Answers
off to watch part one on BBC1...


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He was working under cover?
Enjoyed it. Good cast/costumes etc. Think 1hr is just a bit too rushed-90mins would have been less frenetic but deffo watching again as its a change for BBC to have some decent home grown drama on.
I think so. It was when he lost the fight that they arrested the bookmaker.
Thanks, ummmm
It's amazing how the Ripper murders still capture the imagination after over 100 years, and yet the stabbings and murders that take place in London on almost a daily basis these days hardly reach the headlines, let alone anyone remembering the victims or perpetrators names.
AOG, serial killers get full headline news and are well documented and shock the nation - Fred and Rose West; the Yorkshire Ripper as examples.

The Ripper captures our imagination because the killer was never caught so there is room for much speculation; the events happened so long ago that it is possible to enjoy dramas about it without worrying about the feelings of the relatives.

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