You would have thought that the store staff would have made a check of the toilets before leaving , or am I being silly .
Have you ever being trapped - if so where ?
I have been trapped on 2 occasions in a lift - once on christmas Eve .
On one of the occasions one of the other occupants in the lift was like Del Boy was , in that episode of only Fools and Horses .
I've never been trapped anywhere such as loos or lifts but years ago I worked in a store that had step on and off lifts ( paternosters ).I missed my floor and it kept going ....up . I broke out in a cold sweat .
I had no idea that they just moved across at the top and went down again as I stumbled off feeling a bit silly :)
Whilst decorating my sons bedroom, the door slammed and got stuck, for the life of me I couldn't open it. Fortunately the bedoom is on the ground floor, unfortunately the windows at the time were those stupid little top openers. I had to shout for help at passers by, amazed how nobody carried a mobile with them that day except one lovely young lad who let me use his.
I got trapped in a goods lift at one of the colleges in North London, and it was nearly 3pm on a friday afternoon, and I really thought that I was stuck there for the weekend. I had rung the alarm bell, but it didn't work - fortunately I heard conversation on the next floor down and shouted for help. I was in there for hour and a quarter, and I was very glad to get out of there, and then hit all the rush hour traffic on the way home - I was not a happy bunny!!
I trapped my hand by my wrist in a drawer in my shed while trying to open and shut it to release a rather large screwdriver that had jammed the drawer. Luckily a loud shout raised the alarm.
I got stuck in the bath on more than one occasion when I'd hurt either my back or my hip, and couldn't get a purchase. It's worse in foreign baths, they are really deep.
We have a very rigorous locking up proceedure where I work, it includes checking every cubicle in every toilet block and closing areas in zones and sections, yet we've still managed to lock someone in. He was asleep at the time under the furniture! Once he woke up and started to move around he triggered the sensors and the key holder was called out. Its seems very unusual for this store not to have similar burgular sensor alarms.