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Dog Pancreatitis

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Mr-H | 17:23 Tue 01st Jan 2013 | Pets
22 Answers
My GSD recently was at the vets for nearly 48 hours, on a drip etc. etc. She was diagnosed with Canine Pancreatitis and the bill came to nearly £500. Just a month or so later she is demonstrating the same kind of symptoms (gooey, slimey vomit, watery diarrhoea) though this time (currently at least) without the bright red blood in it. As (perhaps) we might have caught it early does anyone have any ideas which might help this old girl (nearly 9 years) to recover please?


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Very good information here (scroll down to Pancreatic Disorders)
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Thanks for the interesting link lankeela. Sophie's mum was actually mated with a male GSD IN Germany, and whilst (so we were told) this produces a better hip score, it looks as though pancreatitis might be more of a problem with this type of GSD. Very interesting site though, and I have bookmarked it for reference. Thanks again.

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Dog Pancreatitis

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