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No Problemteeth

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robert551069 | 20:56 Wed 02nd Jan 2013 | Health & Fitness
3 Answers
My mother in law once told me that she had a friend who rigorously brushed her teeth after every meal and never had to visit a dentist in her long life.
Wish I had done that.


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She was very lucky. Even if I did that I'd still be at the dentist as I have teeth that like plenty of attention!
She was very lucky, unless she always left it at least an hour. Below is NHS advice why you should not brush after eating.

Never brush your teeth straight after a meal as it can damage your teeth, especially if you've had fruit, fizzy drinks, wine or any other food that contains acid.

This is because tooth enamel is softened by the acid and can be worn away by brushing. Instead, wait an hour after a meal before brushing your teeth to give your saliva chance to neutralise the acid.
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Thank you Maidup and Ubasses for your replies. I have passed on the comments about waiting an hour before cleaning your teeth to my family and hopefully they will advise their children accordingly.

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