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A Tentative Good Start To The New Year....

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divegirl | 12:27 Fri 04th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
... I got a promotion! :0)

I've had some hiccups with my company since starting but even my boss said to me the other day he had been an ass.... And so I started with a 'surprise' management shift NYE which I have since been told was a set up to see how I coped under pressure and I passed lol.

Happy New Year!

Lisa x


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Yeeessss.... that's one word for it... well two actually...
i did laugh when i saw that earlier

sorry DG
Well done you! It can surprise you sometimes when you stick at it!!
Well done, Lisa. Brilliant news, and let's hope that 2013 gets even better!

As for China Doll, maybe Ed could create another badge for such accolades?
Congratulations, Lisa well done and all the best in 2013 xx
^^ what Sib's said xx
Well Done you xxxx

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