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I've Done It!

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losgigs | 23:28 Wed 02nd Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
OK, it might not seem much, but I've finally managed to get myself an avatar. At least I can say I've achieved something this year! Belated Happy New Year to all ABers.


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Wow! a reply from the Ed - I consider myself highly honoured!
How are you getting on with yours, Giveup? You can just choose a picture from your computer's photo gallery if you haven't got another to use.
Love the Avatar losgigs x
Are you the penguin on the left?
^^^ Typo alert ^^^ ;o)
Typo was Eds penguinEs on first page!
Images saved from computer! Where do you pick them up from?
Question Author
Yes, tenrec, I am the one on the left. We must know each other as you recognised me so easily!
p-p-p-pick up an avatar. It's really cute
pusskin, I'm not knowledgeable enough to help, but if you click on start and go to My Pictures.
However, I'd suggest you first google for an image that you would like to use as an av, and save it to your computer.
well done losgigs

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