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PetitAnglais | 15:58 Sat 05th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
66 Answers
I assume this is the place to say hello, any advice? Be gentle! Thanks


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Hi, Bonsoir, Guten Abend, Hola.... Enjoy all the madness that goes on here. Especially on a Saturday evening when there's not much on the box!
Welcome PA., Glad you made it.Once you get involved on here you will find the clock will go into fast mode!
Haven't established whether you are francophone, anglophone, or bilingue, but welcome. For some reason, I keep thinking that le petit anglais is a type of cheese, which is ridiculous; the French only know of two English cheeses (stilton and cheddar) and you rarely see either there.

(coccinelle, as you might suspect, knows a lot more French than she lets on, and with a perfect reason).

Anyway, have a look around. There's a lot of expertise on here as well as a lot of cheerful nonsense;we do try to keep them separate, but old habits die hard, once established!

I'm sorry but lmao @ Bibble's first answer !!
Oh well, Bonjour Petit, Enjoy.
;-) FredPuli

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