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Answering Lots Of Questions

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abstibus | 20:23 Wed 09th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
My number of answers in my profile is coming towards my birth year.
Has anyone any random questions I know nothing about that I could answer?


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If you answer mine you wont be born for another few millenniums
20:43 Wed 09th Jan 2013
How do you tie a guy's bow tie when you are standing in front of him?
"How do you tie a guy's bow tie when you are standing in front of him?"

Why would you want to jj?
when the ground is fully saturated with rainwater, and so much comes down that the slope of a hill looks like as if a lake of water is coming down it, a silvery sheen, what is the term for that?

Well, he'd look silly if he went out with it undone.
Careful or we'll all catch up with boxy's number of answers - nah far tooo many away for that!
Boxy is 26,000 answers ahead of me.
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You're the poet here DT. My back garden 2 summers ago sounds about right.
How long is a piece of string?
I think that must be the North Pole joggerjayne.
anne, click on the flag and you'll see the list of latest questions, there are always a few without any answers at all ....
It could be the North Pole.

It's quite a few yards north of the south coast.
Who wrote "The Lyrics of Leonard Cohen" ?

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