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I'm Just Checking My Accumulated Post....

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mrs_overall | 16:03 Sat 12th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Amongst which is a letter from the Inland Revenue fining me £100 for not sumbitting a tax return by the deadline of 31st July.
I think this is funny as in EARLY July they rang me with a minor query over the self same tax form which they had received that week.
Mupppetry at its finest.


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I think I meant submitting
Well that's it then. You submitted it but hadn't bitten the final sum !
Apart from dealing with idiots, how are you today? Did you manage to eat anything?
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Hi sibs, getting better day by day thanks. So far I've had a soft boiled egg and four salted peanuts. Don't ask about the peanuts. xxx
And now for some Christmas Cake? With cheese, I hope xx
Your letter from the tax man ranks alongside the one I had from the Woolwich Building Society, notifying me that they were going to repossess my house because I'd not been making any mortgage repayments. I received it several months after I'd handed over a cheque for about £35k to pay the mortgage off!

Then there was the letter from East Midlands Gas, after 2½ years of repeatedly getting them to come and reconnect a gas fire, notifying me of criminal prosecution because of my failure to get it reconnected!
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Chris, I despair, I really do.
You have given me an idea for a new post though xx
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Who is the inland revenue?
Oh all right if you are being picky HMRC
Or idiots if we listen to you sibton!!
Thank fgt, I'll take that as a compliment, coming from you.
Sibton don't want to argue but it annoys me to hear that stuff!
Fgt, There are incompetent people in all walks of life as I'm sure you know. It's not confined to HMRC. Any I have dealt with have been very helpful but there's always the computer that hasn't been updated.
Excuse MrsO........mail Sib. x
Sibton you should hear the abuse those telephone operatives take every day.
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Fgt, there is no excuse for that.

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