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petal54 | 02:50 Tue 15th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
if you could re-live your life 7 were able to change anythig,what would it be ?


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ment to be &
7 and & on same key?
Not be ill
I would never of started smoking. I'd be much healthier and have more money to spend on the finer things in life.
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I'd like to be more positive & worry less,also not gone out with many of the people I went out with
Okay, sorry, should have checked.

I don't think I'd change anything. Some bad things have happened in my life and I truly believe it has made me a more compassionate person. I look back at my life so far and think 'I've had a good time'
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no probs,must go to bed,nodding off here
Wish I'd worked harder at school and college
I'd be more assertive, learn to swim and learn to drive.
I can't regret anything - a lot of it I didn't like, but if it hadn't happened, I wouldn't be where I am now.
With Boxtops on this (and parts of the last six years have been hideous).
Same as cupid04
Nothing.....It was sometimes not very nice, but made me who I am...Generally I'm happy
I wouldn't change my life, if I could do a miracle, I would change someone else's though.
I'd answer with a song, but I 'm tone deaf and can't sing...

I'd rip it up and start again (Sung by Orange Juice in 1983).
not a thing

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