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Text From Mum

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NoMercy | 22:26 Tue 15th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
"Hi darling, I've made you a lamb and spinach curry for when you next come. Btw when's my wedding anniversary? X"

Lmao ... What's she like?!


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my BiL asked my sister if he could use her laptop, she was busy, told him go on ahead, he called out to her 'what's the password?' oh that's easy hun, she replied, our wedding anniversary, he decided to cut the grass instead
22:32 Tue 15th Jan 2013
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I'm actually wiping tears from my eyes here, Mrs O.
I remember taking my gran to bingo and three of us won an uneven amount. I said we should split the difference. My gran cackled and loudly announced "My difference is well and truly split after having kids."
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I bloody hope not, DT ...
NoM she was lovely but drank like a fish, swore like a trooper and was the most embarrassing person I have known.
I fully intend to be just like her when I am old
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The last memory I have of my gran was when she was semi-compos mentis, dementia setting in and, like a lot of old folk, a healthy fixation on my wedding she came across at the end, just before she left, and said to us, "I hope that you two have had a good day and that you have a better night."
When I say I want to be like my gran when I get old, I am naturally excluding her propensity for wearing beige and her urinary incontinence. (She once got caught short and had a wee in her handbag)

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