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Electric Fire Again

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Connemmara | 16:54 Sat 19th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
As you know I bought a fire some time ago out of guarantee but since it was never used because I have oil but wanted something for added heat.

Anyway got an electrician round to examine and he said there was a fault with the cut out switch that only gave me 2 mins heat - now I am nervous of buying a new one with the same problem. Anybody advise - thanks


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As you know I bought a fire some time ago ?

I did not know.
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now you do
What type of 'electric fire' is it? If it's a fan heater, they're notorious for having problems where the safety cut-out operates far too soon. Get an oil-filled radiator instead. (They cost a bit more, and they take longer to heat up, but they don't suffer from the same problems as many fan heaters and some convector heaters).
You bought a fire out of guarantee ?
Question Author
it is a fan heater buen - but I don;t know of any other fire to buy - I did look up the 2 bar radiant fires but they would be too big for my surround.

I don't want to go to that trouble buen as I do have oil heating so just wanted a little glow in the fireplace. Maybe do with the one I have as it does have a great glow.

I want one of these.............
£300 for an electric heater !!!!!!!!!!!!
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pied piper - bad grammar - fire no longer guaranteed - thought you understood some English
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Thanks Craft - not for me - as I said before just a glow.
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Craft it would be too big to fit into the hole of the fire surround - so I think. But it is is lovely indeed. thanks for your help
Times are hard at present in the mikey household, so every penny counts.

I recently bought one of those Halogen heaters. Its got 400w, 800w, and 1200w settings and is ideal for a small room. I mean 400w is only a few bulbs worth of lecky after all.

It was from ebay and cost £11.99, including p+p.

Something I have found out these last couple of years is that you really can manage with less money if you have to. I wear long johns and a thermal vest under my clothes when I am in the house. If its really cold, than I wear a woolly ski hat as well. The long johns really make a huge difference you know....I can't think why I didn't wear them before.
Conne, have you got a working chimney? If you have and you want something just to look nice and cosy, you could think about having some candles lit in your grate. I do this sometimes and it looks lovely. Many visitors to my home have commented on how nice it looks.

Surprisingly, it also gives off a bit of heat (not much, mind).

mikey4444, had to smile at your comments re long johns. A friend of ours used to say he was too young to wear them-so is it only senior citizens who wear them?
quinie no, my now 19 year old wears them to work and has done for a couple of years now.

Conne, if it's just a warm glow, how about a couple of small table lamps with orange bulbs in?
Should have kept the nightie - sorry sorry - couldnt resist :)
Lol 888

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