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Embarrassing But Funny

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NoMercy | 10:45 Sun 20th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
Went out to dinner last night and spilled a tiny bit of jus down my white blouse. When I couldn't hold myself any longer and needed to go to the bathroom, I stuck my coat on and zipped it up. Unbeknown to me my faux fur was caught up in the back of my jacket and was swishing from my rear end like a tail. My mother let me walk out of the restaurant and through the bar like that. She claims she thought I had done it on purpose as some sort of fashion statement because I'd wanted to look "foxy".

Mum swap anyone?


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Yep gness - I think she was female and not one of Julie Birchill's persecutors....and No, Jayne, I won't be bidding for Sqad's well-thumbed collection.
our rotund music teacher a Miss Fisher [ she must be long gone to another world] she wore silk directoire knickers that reached past her knees. I think they were called passion killers.

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