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Has The Snow Reached You Yet?

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Ann | 15:32 Sun 20th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
We are trying to decide whether to go out tonight as we don't want to get stuck!
Is the snow with you yet and where do you live? We are in NE Leicestershire, just have powdery snow coming down on and off at the moment. Thanks.


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We had snow since I woke up and is STILL snowing. Cannot tell pavement from road as our road is never gritted. Looks lovely but is then going to freeze overnight so will be very dangerous in the morning.
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Just the same here smow - never even heard a gritter on our estate, I'm so pleased I don't have to go to work now I'm retired, it was always a nerve-racking experience lying awake worrying how I was going to get there in the morning .....
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Someone's just walked down the middle of the road outside leaving big ugly foot prints in the beautiful untrodden snow - how dare they? LOL
The funny thing is Ann, that I live in Greater London and my road is off a main road, so even though I can see the main road, mine is on a slight slope and has about 6/7 inches of snow at least, so cant even move the car!
Lucky I missed it all Ann. I`ve been known to spend all night on an aircraft at Heathrow before now, only to get off again having gone nowhere. I think the fog will be the problem tomorrow.
fine powdery this afternoon only but still no planes flying around Heathrow

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