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Aaaargghhh!!! Where Is It????

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EcclesCake | 13:05 Mon 21st Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Today is my first day back at work since Christmas.

Everything going well so far apart from spending a little too much time on AB, what isn't going so well is I can't find my notebook. It is a vital part of my working life and I cannot find it anywhere. I've tried the obvious places and the not so obvious.

Which one of you has snuck into my home and hidden it?


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It's behind the chesterfield underneath the empty bottle of whisky.
Prayer to St Anthony coming up EC xx
It's under the chesterfield behind the empty bottle of whisky.
Did you leave it at work?
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Thanks DT & Stewey, while you slobbing on the sofa drinking my whisky you didn't take the batteries out of the TV remote for a laugh did you?
What did you last use it for is always a good place to start.
Is this a pencil and paper notebook or one that plugs into the mains?
did you put the batteries in that Rabbit that was laying around, stewey?
You used it for stirring the coffee.....
Its with teen snows missing ipod, school jumper, sweatshirt, hat and PE kit!
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VnC's prayer has worked. Thank you!!!

I've just found it on the hall table tucked in a file that I never use. I'm so pleased it wasn't in with Teen Smows PE kit, I might have had to think twice about using it again ;-)

Frighteningly it was underneath a pile of paper waiting to go out to the recycling bin.

I'd better go and pick up the whisky bottles from behind the sofa now......
Yay! Glad you found it x

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Aaaargghhh!!! Where Is It????

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