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Traumatic Morning

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queenofmean | 13:29 Tue 22nd Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
nearly £120 vets bills...praise the lord for pet insurance...who has the Bacardi??


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They are high vet bills arent they.
I feel sorry for those who cant afford to take their pets to the vets,
Maybe if prices were reasonable more people would take their beloved pets.
Oh Goodness Q of , what happened.?..Strong bacardi x
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If I could have then I would have approached the PDSA but I don't qualify.
I mean £50 alone for a 'sample' to be analysed -CRAZY

Flump - my cat went to his litter box last night and when he was finished he was very bloody in the rear end department, but the vet told me to starve him and take him in for an emergency appointment.

I just hope that the insurers pay out or I'm goosed
just try an insure a shar pei believe me half the pet insurers wont accept you and the other half want megabucks. When insuring my car with More Than I was chatting to a very nice young man and he heard my dogs bark so seizing the opportunity he asked did I have pet insurance and I told him why not- I am sure we can help he said then he got to shar peis good god he said they want an arm & a leg and he was supposed to be selling it to me !
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I shall keep it in mind Dee. Max is the most expensive cat to insure out of my 3, I was told it was because he is a young male :/
Queen the vets make me cross with their prices that seem inflated. Both tests and subsequent medicines can be scarily expensive, I hope your cat recovers quickly xx
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I know flump I was like HOW MUCH?
Although the Vet is a bit of a dish :)

Me too he seems a brighter today and not as cuddley as yesterday but will see how things pan out :) x
Anyone needing a vet should see if they have this in their area, one has opened in Bolton, it is very good the UK's first not for profit vets
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Thank you for suggesting that magicmick - will have a look when I get home.

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