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Snow Sticking?

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giveup | 16:05 Tue 22nd Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
I've never heard that expression before until seeing it on AB. We've always said its laying.I suppose different areas have different expressions.Its not doing anything here at the moment,its been raining all day.


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I would use the term 'sticking' I am from the midlands
Ours has almost melted down souff!
We also use that expression here in Ontario.
We say settling.
I would say 'laying' in York.
My dustbin man brought my wheely bin back to the door for me today, all the way down the drive.
I thought he was lovely when he said "We can't have a lady slipping in the snow" until he added "I didn't fancy having to pick you up again".
ah cupid, so it's not really dahn saff :-)

We say it's sticking (west of scotland), although it's not, it's melted away.

it's not now, almost gone
Lying here
Sticking (originally from South Wales).
We say sticking here West Midlands.
Setting - south east london.
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It pitches round these 'ere parts!
We always settling
Snow doesn't lay, it lies. 'Hen's lay' I was taught at school and a large red cross would decorate any written work with 'lay' used incorrectly, she said pedantically.
I say laying (general middle class)

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Snow Sticking?

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