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Abed - I Must Protest

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mrs_overall | 12:26 Thu 24th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
You told us we were banned from discussing owls. I have just had a foray into Motoring and what do I see a picture of at the top of the page?


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Why can't we discuss o***s !
you are still abed? It is 11.27am
God.....even our Ed is a foreigner....
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This flaming dyslexic keyboard.

Of course the Ed is foreign - he/she is not from Yorkshire
If you alluding to moi, I am up washed, fed and have been to the village for a coffee, and a hop, skip and jump along the prom listening to my mp3. (This is all on doctor's orders btw as I cannot report for work yet!)
Ibiza Ed isn't foreign, just acts it!
not the keyboard, it is AB insisting that each word in a Q must have a capital at the start and nowhere else.
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jno - so the fact that my laptop was bought from a man in the pub, has all instructions in the language of an obscure 3rd world country and a Cyrillic keyboard has nothing to do with it then?
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Netibiza, (dare I call you that or do you have a title such as Your Foreigness Overseas Ladyshipness?) this post is addressed to his/her Holiness at AB Towers, (home to the garden gnome holding a fishing rod with an oven ready chicken on the hook)
it's ok, mrs o, my PC automatically translates Cyrillic into Amharic so I can't see the difference at this end.

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Abed - I Must Protest

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