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Good Morning Campers

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mrs_overall | 10:21 Thu 24th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
60 Answers
So you thought you were rid of me for a while longer did you? lol
Many thanks for your unsympathetic messages - they were relayed to me by the lovely Gness and most of them cheered me up no end. Those that didn't - your name is now in my book.
I am on yet more enforced rest and I never realised just how bad daytime TV is. I haven't yet stooped to Jeremy Kyle but I am now an expert on antiques lol xxx


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Thank you all.

Lottie - the mackerel were really fresh (still twitching almost) when they went in the freezer. Swap you for some neeps? I don't know that Mastermind would accept me with my specialist subject of seaweeds
Welcome back.
Try Father Brown, just after Doctors on BBC1. I'm warming to it now they're not tearing apart the original stories.
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sorry - the fresh mackerel remark should have been addressed to lady j
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BigJack, I have given up on TV apart from all the antiques programmes (well I am married to one)

I've dug out some knitting needles but I almost stabbed one of the kids in the eye before I got started with the wool
Good morning Mrs_overall, so glad to see you back, jar of Manuka honey on it's way to you xxx
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Thanks sibs xx
(Dare I mention that Mr O has 90,000 bees and we have cupboards full of honey?)
Pea shooter permitted LadyJ x
Welcome back Mrs O, may I recommend Father Brown BBC 1, 2.15pm, excellent series.
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Morning rocky xx
Good lord an apiarist, I'll bet your sting is worse than the combined sting of 90,000 bees. Is it true, I've not picked up that information before
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Sibs, I have not actually seen them as he keeps them on a friends field and I flatly refuse to don the ridiculous outfit he has. I don't "do" hats at the best of times - messes up my hair.
if M, or anyone else for that matter, would like to put hives in our field they are very welcome. we have plenty of gorse both in our field and neighboouring hedges. plenty of shelter for the hives.
So does he call you, "Honey", Mrs O?

welcome back to the House of the Insane, bar a few old farts.
Just seen this on the 'Flying' thread'
Is that you dishing out the mushy peas Mrs O?

Silently on Burns Night Eve,
the turn of Mr Overall's key;
all the garden locked in mackerels and ice,
a silver fishy freeze,
except his wintry cluster of Whitby bees.

Wings plucked, flightless now, shivering,
around their Mrs Overall Queen they cling;
every bee a gift of heat;
she will not freeze
within the wintry cluster of Whitby bees.

Bring me for my Burns Night gift
a single golden jar;
let me taste the sweetness there,
but the haggis leave
some Scotch to feed the wintry cluster of Whitby bees.

Gness to visit Mrs O on Burns Night Eve
to see the Guiness and Gin fed hive,
trembling marigolds cloistered above,
and then, tony, the maiming catrastophe believe,
Bless the wintry cluster of Whitby bees.
old farts????????
very good baldric...
Glad you are on the mend. Have several gallons of nourishing soup which I will send via Parcel Force. When I was a girl (before anyone had freezers) my dad used to go mackerel fishing and we had so many mum and I waited until he went out and buried them in the garden.
Mrs O , good to see you back, take it easy and behave now xxx
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Who is an old fart?

Thank you for your kind offers of visits, soup, honey, lessons in maiming with an axe, tips of how to dispose of unwanted mackerel, turnips, offers of kisses with tongues and magnificent poetry.

Where else could I be offered such a smorgasbord of delights other than on here?

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