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Names For Things You Don't Know The Names For

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sophie_1003 | 20:26 Thu 24th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
Looking for an actual answer but thought I'd dress it up as a Chatterbank question.
Does anyone know the name for the children's toy that you put to your eye and when you look through there's a piece of plastic at the other end that has lots of sections and makes things look like there's more than one of them? (terrible description!)
Also; do you have names for things that you aren't sure of the name of or have a too complicated name. The 'crevice tool' on a vacuum is a 'pisher' in our family for example.


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20:40 Thu 24th Jan 2013
Unknown object: oojoomaflip
Ahh ok Mick. Thanks.
During the fifties my older brother went to London with our granddad for some kind of Royal event, (not the coronation), with my grandfather and he brought back two periscopes made of cardboard and produced by Hovis.
The amount of fun all three of us boys had with those...........
I wonder if anyone remembers the song by Val Doonican, (also recorded by John Denver) called 'The Marvelous Toy'?
Just the song for this thread.
It's on You Tube but I still don't know how to download it.
Thanks mamyalynne. I knew I could rely on on someone to still be around at this time of night.

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