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I Buy Bicarbonate Of Soda........

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Jeza | 23:17 Wed 30th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
For several things including heartburn / indigestion. On checking my receipt today I found it was £1.28. Now I realise that grocery's have really gone up in price, but bloody hell at the beginning of December it was 69p. Just thought I'd share.


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Jeza, please don't take my comment the wrong way (I have been there as have many) if you do it all yourself, then being a wife ceases to be your main become nurse and carer , then wonder where the time went.
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Headwreck. Are you accusing me of neglecting Mic. I spend hours and hours of every day caring for him. so much so that my house is in need of a good clean. The only time I get to myself is on here at night when he is asleep. I will be up at 3am and 6am assisting him to the bathroom. I will then be up at 8am helping him to dress. Do not accuse me of neglect.
Wait a minute , no one accused you of any such thing, Mic is wonderful and as you say stubborn - but please say to him 'Darling I need some help, so I can spend quality time with you'.
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Mamya. I now feel like a Mother.
Jeza...we have said this to you before. We can be a wife and a carer...paid or not. But we care better when we accept a little help and care for ourselves too.
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Thanks for all the advice. I'm now going to bed. I will think about all the comments. Night Night.
Jeza that is precisely what I am saying, the whole dynamic changes and the roles shift, but you absolutely must - for maybe the first time ever go against his wishes and get some help.
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Jeza, you can get your shopping delivered from about £3.00 if you are not too fussy about what day/time. It will also help you to bargain hunt within your chosen shop (I use Asda) and you can usually save more than the delivery price. I book my slot in advance and 'pretend' I am going to buy £25 worth of nappies to secure my slot and I can go back and change it endlessly up until 11pm the night before delivery. If you are not being hassled by doing the shopping in a rush it might take some pressure off you. PS - no one has accused you of neglecting Mic, they are just concerned about you too, x
Goodnight Jeza. Hope tomorrow brings a brighter day for you and Mic. x
Please lets not get upset any of us; especially not over a teaspoon of bicarb.

Sleep tight Jeza and love to Mic.

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I Buy Bicarbonate Of Soda........

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