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Eve | 18:50 Fri 01st Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Was waiting behind guy day before yesterday to get a self serve machine coffee. Put my sugar in ready while he made his and he smiled friendly and went on his way after he was done.

Yesterday I was behind him again. He said it was my coffee making and disappeared. I wasn't sure what he'd said (or if he'd said what I thought). He came back (turned out no more cups) with cups and reiterated it was my coffee he made. Thought that was really sweet.

This morning, just walked in the door and he was paying at the other side of the shop, and came over when he saw me clutching a coffee, already made, he gave me and said was mine.

Am not going to comment more now but just wondering on people's thoughts...


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Seems like he might have a soft spot for you Jenna and it's a way to get to know you!
see what happens next week!
Seems to me like you brighten his morning each day and now he waits for you - he sounds a real gent.
Mamya ....... if he were in a firemen's uniform, Jenna would have answered her own question ;o)))
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Awww, he seems nice but he's not my type.

I feel bad saying this, sign of the times maybe (and watching too many crime shows!) but it makes me a little uncomfortable. Only really from this morning. Also, I'm just going to go for broke, I feel a little strange about accepting drinks made by a stranger if I haven't seen them made myself. Argh, I know I probably sound paranoid and such.
Good point Jenna, hadn't thought of that. If he makes you feel uncomfortable then go with your gut instinct.
Oh dear I completely misread that one, maybe alter your morning stop off for a few days, is either that or politely decline the coffee.
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At least I should have company nearby come Monday, my bus buddy has been off poorly. He seems to linger about the bus station (openair) looking over in my direction so I figured he was waiting on another bus on too like I am.
Go with your gut instinct, be weary of strangers.
Beware of geeks bearing gifts.
Take a flask next week!
Jenna it sounds like someone has posted a question in Relationships and Dating and the AB romance squad have given him some advice on how to approach the girl he has been watching from afar. lol
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