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Worst Nightmare ?

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adrianben | 00:36 Sat 02nd Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I opened my eyes and Tina Turner was singing down on me. What's yours ?


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Does a waking nightmare count? I spent the afternoon with Gness....
How are you chuck?
shoota :-)
being smothered and waking up dead.
being forced to go to a cliff richard concert.
no. no. no MrsO. i bet you had a whale of a time. stitches in your side from laughing.
Being forced to watch an England test cricket match on tv with the sound turned off and the voice of Maggie Thatcher screeching in the background.
I saw the ghost of Gloria Gaynor - At first I was afraid, I was petrified.
And you survived, mrs_o??
Question Author
Ted Hughes wrote The Rain Horse following a dream featuring Tina Turner !

Ted Hughes married Sylvia Plath, two brilliant poets whose marriage should have been a dream, but alas....
Yes I survived but I can't say too much about it as there are some incriminating photographs
dreaming about falling and not waking up!
Dreaming about falling and waking up on top of Maggie Thatcher
Walking down a dark alley and meeting one of you lot! LOL!xx
Being stuck in a lift

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Worst Nightmare ?

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