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Daily Telegraph Prize Crossword 27091 Saturday February 2Nd 2013

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Tinocci | 17:44 Sat 02nd Feb 2013 | Crosswords
7 Answers
Last one: 13d apply scheme to get in sought after Swiss Cheese perhaps (5.5) I have put 'house plant' but apart from the obvious I don't quite see where the "apply" scheme comes into it.


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to plant something can be to apply it?
House plant - 'use plan' (apply scheme, in) 'hot' (sought-after)
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Easy when you point it out Thanks Lie-in King. Thanks too boxtops for your input
Can someone tell me why the reference to Swiss Cheese? My 93 year old Pa in Law is annoyed by it. Thank you.
Swiss cheese is a type of house plant.
Monstera deliciosa is a Swiss Cheese plant, which is a large house plant.
I didn't like the clue much either.
Actually didn't like a lot of the clues today.

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Daily Telegraph Prize Crossword 27091 Saturday February 2Nd 2013

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