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Beached Whale

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fruitsalad | 20:05 Sat 02nd Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
this is what i feel like after having to give up my 6 classes a week at the gym due to wear and tear of my joints (mainly in the lower back and knees) why oh why is all the fat gathering round my stomach and waist and no where else?


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Fruit, have you thought about swimming? Supposed to be gentle on your joints, and good exercise too.
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mrs c I do keep thinking about it not keen on the water but will have to do something pdq
Cycling and rowing machines are non load bearing and less hard on your joints. They let you build muscles around the joints which will consequently support the joints.
I know what you mean. I booked 20 sessions and struggled to go, but I stuck it out and felt better for making the effort.

Mind you, I haven't renewed. Just can't face it. :o(

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Beached Whale

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