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Just Seen Les Miserables....

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netibiza | 17:04 Sun 03rd Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I didn't cry, am I the only one who didn't? I loved it and loved Hugh Jackman, but why did Cosette have such huge pupils in her eyes, looked mightly suspicious to me, having sorted my daughter out from having big pupils!!


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I didn't cry... I don't really cry at movies... or at all lol!

Bloody good film though!
Seen the show three times, went to see at local cinema on Friday, loved it except for Sasha Baron whatsit terribly miscast as the landlord he spoilt it for me, Matt Lucas made a much better one.
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I actually loved sacha baron cohen as the landlord, thought he and Helena Bonham-Carter (whom I cannot normally stand) were great. But she's always a bit loopy isn't she?
Oh I love Sacha!! He's so handsome! And Helena Bonham Carter is one of my favourite actresses! :)
I saw it in the West End when it first came out (on stage). I would expect people to be sick of it by now - like 'Cats' !
Am I the only person in the whole world who didn't enjoy this film?

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Just Seen Les Miserables....

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