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Its Snowing Here.

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giveup | 13:45 Tue 05th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Just my luck,the man is trying to do my new fence and this weather isn't helping.


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started here (county durham) about 7.30 last night and quite a covering by this morning, just started again with big flakes, but hopefully not going to be as much as a couple of weeks ago
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I'm in East Devon and yesterday was lovely and I don't think snow was forecast. It's b!!!!! cold.
We aren't really forecast any, but it's jolly cold. I've just been out to collect the eggs and have lost all feeling in my toes (although I suppose that serves me right for wearing flip flops).
A smidgen of geographical info always helps to give us a picture of where it's snowing, so we know if it's heading our way or not ;o)
eg, Bristol, Birmingham
X'ed posts, N/Kent sunshine but damn cold!
woke up to a deep covering - no roads gritted an interesting drive to work!!
Cold toes in Peterborough!
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My toes are curling at the thought,put some shoes on.
West Yorkshire. Some snow overnight, but it's gone now. We don't live at a great height, so the snow is probably lingering on the hills. Local radio reported (at 0800) traffic queues, minor collisions, on the snow that had turned to ice. V. cold wind, plenty of cloud. Roll on summer.
I've put my slippers on now giveup. Not doing that again. I've got to go out later and try and fix the poly tunnel so I shall wrap up sensibly this time!
North Wales - just started here about 5 minutes ago, really cold, I hope it doesn't stick. X
Hey Giveup, im in North Devon, no sign of snow here, quite a nice day really,a bit windy though.
cold wind, bright and sunny in south east essex.
Same as cupid, but south west Essex.

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