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Very Painful Back This Morning .......

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adrianben | 21:39 Mon 04th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
....but caused much hilarity when I walked into the main office stooped over like Mrs Overall (Julie Walters version) and said, in a high pitched voice, "two soups ?" A bit later a young lad I rarely speak to came to my office with a cushion which, when strategically placed, brought much comfort to my old back. What a lovely act of human kindness the like of which we rarely see today ! You had any human kindness today ?


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Hmmmm, taking my name in vain.....
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Hi Mrs Overall. I am watching 'An Audience with Victoria Wood' tonight. Think I just spotted you in the audience !
I've got arthritis in my right hand, today it was pretty stiff and aching like hell. We called into the M&S cafe for a coffee and the lady served the coffee and got someone to carry my tray. Felt 100 years old but it was a nice gesture.

HI Mrs O, hope you are feeling much better.
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Hi askyourgran ! Its the little things that can mean a lot !

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Very Painful Back This Morning .......

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