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Lizzies Quizzes

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smurf | 13:03 Tue 05th Feb 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
34 Answers
11a what the pub charges(5 5)
think is should rhyme with after eight
24b catch up with,produce a gun and point(4 5)
think it should rhyme with dishevel
book titles with vowels and spaces missing
43 KNNDBL(3 words)
44 NGLSSHS (2 words)
50 DDSLS (2 words)
54 MBFRE (3 words)
thanks for any help


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to rhyme with big top
Ignore the quiz police.
Emergency stop
Part of the reason for sending for the quiz, Spotty Dog, might be to contribute towards the Macmillan Cancer Team funds?
Imagine going to sit an exam, and the invigilator saying "The answers are over here on the wall for anyone who wants them". That's what I imagine when I see some of these posts. If you can't do it, at least don't spoil it for those who enjoy the challenge.
You are the person who goes to look at the wall and then complains that the answers are there, even though you've just been told they are.
big top
Question Author
why are there so many moaning minnies out there its only a bit of fun after all
if you dont want to know the answers dont read the question
they probably go around knocking on front doors to make sure that no-one's asking friends for help, as well as standing outside libraries trying to turn people away
Any one would think we trying to win a big prize.
But for myself as l had to retire for health reasons .I just like doing the quizzes to my brain working but most of all to give some money to the charities
to keep my brain working
You dont have to finish it though do you trying to do more yourself would make the brain work more
why was l picked on l did not start the questioing
Sorry if you mean me I wasnt picking on you I was replying to your comment. I like you had to retire early and someone sent me a copy of newshoots. I looked at it and could do about 5. I struggled through and probably did half and then sent it in. I asked for a copy of the answers and tried to see how they came about. Gradually I understand it more and I now finish it so I was just saying you dont have to finish it to keep the brain working and you would still be giving the charity the money

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