I have had a small murmuration forming every evening for about a week near a town centre (Bletchley, Bucks). Starts about 4:30. Only 300 to 500 birds, not like the fantastic sight at Somerset Levels where you get 2 million plus, but it's our local murmuration and happens right outside my living room windows. Wonderful. I'll post some pictures
Always thrills me Milvus...so captivating. I saw a small one in Whitby on Friday. I've been to Brighton just for the murmuration and The Levels when I visit my daughter. Could watch for hours.
Re Red Kites. I followed the introduction at Fineshade and they have spread so well. I decided to buy this house when a Kite circled as I was viewing and now I watch them from my windows...beautiful birds.
Look forward to your pictures.
As you might guess kites are my favourite, I live in the centre between Fineshade and Aston Rowant on the M40 and am still waiting for the two populations to meet, preferably over my house!
My OH's favourite too. I had a memorial bench placed in Fineshade where we used to watch the Kites. Let's hope they get together over your house. I spend too long with my scope and bins watching them circle here.
Have not been able to find my camera cable (suspect fledgling Milvus's at home!) so I haven't yet been able to upload the recent photos of the Bletchley murmuration. In its place I've added a video I took at Ham Wall, Somerset last year. Huge murmuration, watch out for a pair of Marsh Harriers