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Some Ideas Please

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fruitsalad | 20:41 Wed 06th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Its Mr Fruits birthday this month and its always a headache when it comes to buying him a pressy his only real interest are his jack russells and his ferrets if I give him money he just gives me it back says it to much help please!!


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shoota he would love that bit pricey though im not that generous to him lol
how about a framed photo of him with his animals -get a friend with a good camera to take the shots or if you can pay a bit more get a photographer to come out and do some.
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Ha Ha DT he would think I had lost the plot if I brought those for the ferrets
jack russell sweaters then:

or for him:

or if he has any interest in cricket, a print from Jack Russell, the ex England wicket keeper - his originals command 000s.....
Almost as nice......this site has a wide range of Muela knives which are all excellent value qnd quality.;___store=eng&utm_source=shoppingcom_uk&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=cpc

A smashing day out ........
what about a flight in a glider my son in law was given this as a gift and loved it
Have you got the j.r. history? would he not be intrested in that Fruit?

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