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Thursday In February

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BlueToffee | 18:03 Thu 07th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Have just enjoyed a sumptuous 4 and a half hour lunch with friends, wonderfully prepared by Mrs BT and all washed down with a bottle of Bergerac (de Conte) white, and 2 bottles of Margeaux.

Roll on the next time!


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ps....there were 6 of us!
P*ss off!!
I had microwaveable noodles and a tin of tuna!!
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Your time will come JD
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Oh, and it will be cold lamb and chips tomorrow!
that sounds like my idea of a great afternoon, BT

glad you enjoyed it
The wine sounds good, Toffee.........always fun to do that.
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Buggar, just woken up with an ever so slightly delicate headache!
Adam's Ale, Toffee, Adams Ale, something that I am too familiar with at the moment.....
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It will be after next Tuesday DT, alco free Lent in our household.

There, now I've told you all, I'll have to stick to it!
Phwah, I was at work :-(
Sounds like a yummy lunch!

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Thursday In February

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