hi all,
one for the ladies I suspect! I had my second mirena coil fittef three years ago, I am 50 years old now and my doc has told me the coil delays the menopause. I have never had periods while using the coil but suddenly I have had a quite heavy pperiod! Anyone explain why???
thanks x
Not an unusual occurrence and the commonest cause for this is Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB)
The cause is unknown and the treatment in your particular case is to monitor the situation over the next 3 months.
However if you have post coital bleeding or lower abdominal pain, then don't wait for the 3 months see your GP.
I would see your GP as you have not had any periods for three years now. It could be a sign that the coil has become displaced (or something else) - just as well to have it checked.