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Connemmara | 16:41 Mon 11th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I am sorry to mention this again oh my god again. When I read my postings I realised that I forgot to say that I was putting my stuff into my wheelie bin BAG LINER - that makes a big difference to put into charity.


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Conne, don't worry about it.
Please xxxx

Keyboards take on a life of their own.
I don't understand what difference it makes.
It makes no sense as a thread on its own. Why not post to the original thread?
A craving for attention possibly?
Connie, you are the only one anxious about all this. Be good to yourself now and move forwards. I know what anxiety feels like, how it feels to be judged by all and sundry. Try to move on now . xxx
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I certainly would not want attention from you Baldric. So now to bed.
Don't take offence Connemmara. Your post is at the forefront of your mind, however the vast majority of ABers probably cannot recall the thread in question.

Having this post added to your previous post would have given some context to help all understand where you are coming from.
I've no idea what the OP means..............
lol, me neither Crafty told us you had put some new stuff in a wheelie bin instead of a wheelie bin bag to take to a charity. Some of us misunderstood, thought you'd thrown it out and it's worrying you.
Stop worrying...everything is fine now...all forgotten.

Now, how are you doing and how is your sister....I think it was your sister you mentioned?
G x
But the sentiment of the original post is still the same.
But perhaps the temporary sentiment of an upset poster who has apologised. x

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