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Living Dangerously

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SIRandyraven | 18:26 Wed 13th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Fancied a tin of Pears with Cornish ice cream.
However only tin I can find has BBE May 2007 on bottom of tin.
I always thought tin food was good for years and years and could not perish while in tin.
Tin has no rust or dents etc


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Open it and see...if it looks and smells
Get it eaten. Tinned food doesn't go off unless the tin is damaged.
I'd open it and smell it. If it smells ok then I'd eat it no problems. Your nose is your friend at times like this.
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Opened tin and they look ok.
Ie now poured into a glass bowl.
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And smell ok
When you open the tin have a good look at the inside of the tin (not the contents - the actual can) if it looks a bit dull and pitted I wouldn't eat the pears, but thats up to you.
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Checked inside of tin and looks ok.

Good tip , thanks
Eat !!!
Surely it's too cold for ice cream?
Pass it here....nom nom nom
I have just opened a packet of those gravey granules. BB 2007. All that was in the packet was a solid block of dark brown stuff that filled about a third of the packet. Don't think I'll eat it.
I fancied raspberries and ice-cream on my pancake last night but the only tin I had were BBE 2011, thought they'd be ok but when I opened them they were brownish and mushy.
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Well eat them and they were ok.

Never too cold for ice cream.
Just turn the heating up.
Yum Yum - we have icecream most nights.
They put these dates on for a reason, throw it away
No - nothing wrong with them. The reason is so we'll throw it away and buy replacements. I've got yoghurt in the fridge dated before Christmas - it's still find to eat.
Hellloooo SIRandy.... are you still OK?
I read somewhere that the BBE date is put on tins as a legal requirement even though it is not, in most cases, applicable, since most tinned food lasts for years.
Tinned food in undamaged tins will last decades. If the tin is dented but not fractured it will still be good to eat.
If the tin is blown the contents should not be eaten.
Bit of rust on the outside - check carefully, should be okay to eat.

We found some strepsils from 30 years ago, tasted them and they are fine, sealed in tin and also in foil wrappers. They cured my sore throat!

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