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Have You Ever Seen A Ghost?

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Stargazer | 00:28 Thu 14th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
I don't believe in them.


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I don't believe in them, nor have I seen any realistic evidence to support their existence.
When you have an experience like you mention, tend to believe a bit more eh?
Thats spooky,'ve put EXACTLY the same phrase.... word for word that RATTER put at the start of the thread..........ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh! lol
Gosh yes Yogi, abolutely. I was a bit sceptical until it happened to me.
Not a ghost sighting but weird events. We lived in a quarter when working for MOD and it was hot. During the night my OH regularly got up, went to the bathroom then came round my side of the bed and tucked in the blanket I'd pushed off. We were talking with friends a few months later and I mentioned this little act of kindness. My OH said, No I don't, you get up, go to the bathroom and then tuck me in.
A couple of years later we met, in another country, a couple who it transpired had lived in the same flat, her first question Did you get tucked in every night?
Why is it, 23, that when people start talking about ghosts all the joints, floorboards and noises start...I'm on my own here downstairs, as all in bed, so not that I'm a scaredy cat or anything, you understand, but i think its time for feet to do their thang....and i'll nip up and give Mrs B some company on the horizontal.

Sleep well ok? xx

Yes, definately.
No, but my father did twice...............
I remember my Mum telling me about my uncle (hardened Fleet Air Arm man) and how he was staying at his mother`s (my Gran`s) new house. He was on his way to go upstairs to use the loo but when he got the bottom of the stairs, he saw a nun standing at the top of the stairs (dressed in white and holding a candle). Apparently, he turned around and said "Guess what, I don`t want to have a p1ss after all)". It really spooked him. A while later, my parents found out that my Gran`s house was built on an ancient burial ground.'re a wuss! ;-) Sleep well.....Whoooooooooooooooooooo!

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