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Good Morning Peeps

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albaqwerty | 06:00 Thu 14th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
117 Answers
It's Thursday, snow has gone but for how long?

Hope you each have a nice day xx


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Morning TOH xx
We don't 'do' Valentine's in this house, are you going out this evening?
Good thanks boaty, hope all is well with you too

Glad to hear that alba, looking forward to seeing you both again. Xx
Happy Valentine's Day to all the gals on here, may your day be full of cards, roses, champagne, naught underwear, toys, chocolate, flowers, you favourite food and what's that thing, oh yes, love.

And to the men, may your day be filled with most of the above but especially your good woman (women) in stonkingly attractive Rigby & Peller lingerie at some point of the day, if not all day.

Otherwise it looks a good one here, and now some coffee. Early start here as I am having my hair chopped, the oxyacetylene cutter will be warmed up.
I'm fine thanks seekz. getting sorted out. :o}
Morning all. Not bad here today, at least the rain has washed all that white crap away.
Morning DT. That all sounds very energetic! :o}
Morning paddy. That's progress! Sunshine soon. It's just about to come up here!:o}
morning all, albs your chirpy today... had your Valentine's present already [ says she with tongue in cheek], minty I hope dad's temp is okay today. I ordered two t-bone steaks from butcher for today so will have to collect & freeze for next week. CS had lots done yesters, chest xray came back clear, ultra scan on both legs revealed no blood clots which is a Valentine's present in itself and then they took him back to xray the infected ulcers [2] and they are only superficial not deep.So hopefully he can come home next week, the anti biotic drips end on Monday.
Its raining here not a bit cheery at all, cold wet & miserable bit like me really !
Morning dee. xxx I hope it all goes well with CS and he is soon back home where he belongs.
morning Alba. Yes we are going out tonight. Hes running and I shall be cycling alongside on my bike :>) He couldnt get out to train last night when the heavy snow came down. But its sleeted overnight and now is just very wet here. Hes got to get into training for a couple of 10k runs hes doing in May
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Morning DT xx
A trip to get the hair chopped requires some medication at lunchtime :-)

Morning Dee xx

Time I made a move, hope everyone has a nice day.
Take care folks xx
Have a happy day and evening albs xxx :o}

I must be away too. Enjoy your day everyone. xxxxx
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I take my hat of TOH, that's dedication for you!

Morning Paddy,xx
It's nice to see the back of the white stuff.

Dee, hope CS gets out on Monday.
Poor love.

That's it, definitely off!!
thats a love-ly bike DT. thank you
Good moaning all.
Good morning all and happy St Dwynwen's day! Lots of love in the air today.

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Good Morning Peeps

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