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How Romantic Is That?

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cupid04 | 17:25 Thu 14th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
I received a valentine card from mr.c this morning. When I mentioned he hadn't put my name on the card his reply was 'it was on the envelope, wasn't it?' What's the most romantic or unromantic thing your other half has said to you?


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During intercourse - "Oh, by the way, you're mother phoned".
17:29 Thu 14th Feb 2013
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A special hug from cupid04, getonwithit.xx
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I've just checked your profile and I see you're female. Just a friendly hug then!
Well...I take it all back...oh rolled up at mums with flowers perfume and card for me ! My flabber was gasted !
No cards here, just a mysterious own up! (Though I have my suspicions).
I know everyone who's ever been in my family is a bit weird but...

This morning I got a Jacquie Lawson e-card, a Valentine, from my ex wife, with the message "Have a good day". We've been divorced for years and she's remarried, been divorced again, and is now engaged to the man she's living with. She sent the same card to our daughter, with the same message.

Am I missing a trend?

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How Romantic Is That?

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