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What Treasured Item Have You Lost

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Iluvspikey | 16:32 Sat 16th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
that you'd love to be reunited with?


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My youth.
One of a pair of gorgeous and very expensive earrings my mum bought me just before she died
I had a locket (round my neck) that I lost at the scene of a car accident in France 40 years ago. Quite a bad accident and it could have been my life that was lost!
My waist
It might be better if you specify material thing or not - if I say a bracelet I'd feel a bit uncomfortable when lots of others are going to say their husband, mother, child or youth!
Same as I answered you last time - my wedding ring
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So I'm boring! Sorry boo, was readng the back of the weekend magazine and thought it was a good question
Good point Prudie
If you're like me, ILS, you forget what you asked ten minutes ago, let alone a couple of weeks back!
I suppose it depends on what mood one is in.

For me, it's the doll's house which my dad made for me.
Crude by today's standards, but the love he put into it screams (screamed) out at me.
-- answer removed --
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My mind I think! Well yesterday tea-time the phone rang and this woman asked me if I'd donated a handbag to this certain charity shop, and I said yes, she told me there was a pair of specs inside and she'd drop them off. Well she just has, the case was to some prescription sunglasses I had - that' how she knew my name and address, but as for the glasses, we haven't a clue as to whom theey belong
aha, the phantom sunglasses swapper has struck!

Takes me all my time to remember which bus stop to get off at, so I reckon my mind too :-D
My green Gucci satin peeptoe shoes.
Some photos of my mum, dad and grandparents, that were in a small album that I carried around in a handbag just after my mum died. But the bag got nicked. I'd heard that with handbag thefts the thieves usually take money and credit cards, then chuck the bag in a bin, so for a few weeks i roamed the town rifling through litter bins, but I never found them. :-(
A brand new dark blue leather jacket that I stupidly left in one of my previous cars, when I had taken it to a transmission place in Kingston - the mechanic rang me and said - your car will be ready soon, but unfortunately we are having to put in a new back window for you, as someone has smashed it, as we had to park the car over the road when we had finished fixing the gear box, as we didn't have any space to leave it in the yard. My fault, I know, for leaving the jacket visible in the car, but it means that someone smashed the back window of my car in broad daylight and on an extremely busy road! the garage were decent about it - I didn't have to pay anything for all that had been done, but it still irks me, 25 years on!
Boo beat me to it,but any youth would do.

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What Treasured Item Have You Lost

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