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Anyone Had Too Much Snow?

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pastafreak | 19:40 Fri 15th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Heard from my brother in NY...he said most of the snow from last weekends blizzard is gone.

They 'only' have 4-5 inches left. I think they started with about 18 inches.


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Just thinking when we had a sprinkling this week about when I lived in Canada, Pasta. Five or six months of snow and life carried on almost as normal. We put snow chains on the car...flooded the huge dip in our park for an ice rink and got to the hospital through about four feet of snow to have a baby. Don't recall any problems at all.
Don't know if I could do it now....well the baby bit would be a miracle of course.
I saw this picture on FB a few days ago, someone opened their front door in Connecticut and found this.
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eeek!! I know they got something like 35inches in Connecticut/Rhode Island-but that's extraordinary!
But-they are hardy folk-as gness knows-so I bet that was shovelled away in no
I can only imagine it was a snow drift, how you would start to dig yourself out of that is a mystery, it'd all start falling in the house. ;)
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When I was a child,we used to open the back door to drifts-but they were never much taller than me. ;-)

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Anyone Had Too Much Snow?

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