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10ClarionSt | 16:13 Sat 16th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
What film has been on television more than any other? UK, that is. I'm only mentioning it because it's relevant right now.


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If it's relevant right now, how about She wore a Yellow Ribbon, some wag remarked on a site that it's been aired so many times, the ribbon is now white.
The Great Escape and Zulu spring to mind - doesn't seem to be one bank holiday or another where one of them isn't on. Or one of the Carry-on's.
Lately I seem to be noticing The Day After and The Mummy on a lot.
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"Snow White and the Seven Pervs".........well on my TV anyway.
I reckon Sound of Music, it seems to be seasonal - Christmas, Easter etc etc
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The Bourne Identity seems to be on most weeks one way or another. Great film but over exposed.
trigger...see Pets........thanks for asking.
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It's a Wonderful Life (James Stewart?)

Clarion, are you asking about channels 1-5 or every blooming channel there is?
well, I'll go to the bottom of the stairs!

We noticed it was on and thought, jeepers (well words to that effect, 1949!!)
Mad Max 2 - I've watched bits of it 4 times over the past 6 weeks or so!
I've never seen she wore a yellow ribbon.

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