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It's So Quite Here

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cupid04 | 20:18 Sun 17th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
I can hear fog horns.
What can you hear?


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That's a good one, Tilly 2.
Stewey, are you still snowbound?
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can you be snowbound in Oz?
Way up in the Mountains you can - in winter.......
Is stewey not in Canada, cupid? Oh I'm mixed him up with Steve?
We had about 10" of snow on Feb. 9th; however, most of it has melted or been trucked away. Still cold though!
Ottawa was -11C yesterday.
Stewey, please tell me where you are
it's so quiet I think I heard the space station go over just before,
now just the sounds of the dead, the wind blowing through the trees, the scratch of a badger, the nannying of a tony-goat, the occasional bleat of a sheep and, shyte, the dog has just farted.
In the Toronto area, Psybbo, and it's now -19 up from -26 this morning.
use to love it though, stewey, I was up the road at Uni on a post grad exchange - coldest was -34F/C......nothing like a game of broomball when its -10.
OMG, we don't know how lucky we are
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Who lives in Oz then?
This is what I can hear, and it's just for you, cupid!
I do, cupid !!

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It's So Quite Here

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