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Is This The Height Of Laziness

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mallyh | 18:03 Tue 19th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
in morrisons yesterday saw for sale packets of two shelled hard boiled eggs lol


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Well...the lovely Mrs sqad bought half a dozen eggs from the local supermarket to make a cake. When she came to break them.....they were hard boiled......LOL
18:16 Tue 19th Feb 2013
I always wonder why people by sliced leeks.
I don't think it's lazy, people would buy them for their lunch - you can already buy sliced-up hb eggs in salad trays.
Can you still buy chewed tobacco ?

Are you sure they were hard boiled eggs?
of course it's lazy if you can't be bothered to hard boil eggs and put them in a lunch box
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o m g yes definitely eggs !zeuhl lol
Au contraire - it takes much more effort to get your shoes and coat on, lock the house up, get on a bus/in a car, get to supermarket, walk round, queue pay, walk to bus/car etc. than to stand by a cooker for 10 mins whilst an egg boils and then peel it.
The only time I buy pre sliced veg is if weight for weight it is cheaper.
Well...the lovely Mrs sqad bought half a dozen eggs from the local supermarket to make a cake. When she came to break them.....they were hard boiled......LOL
lol shoota, i was about to retract my statement but you beat me to it
Bet that cracked you up sqad.
That IS the height of laziness. I clean my chickens out every day and collect the eggs, I feed them, I disinfect their hen house and treat them for mites, worms, disease etc. All for a fresh egg in the morning.

And the buggers destroy the garden......
Yes, laziness to the highest degree.

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Is This The Height Of Laziness

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