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Is It Just Me Or Is This Brits Show.........

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DJHawkes | 21:48 Wed 20th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
..........sorry nodded off, errrr, dull


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mumford's on now- quality!!!
Ooh, just woke up..... James Corden saying the bar steward word before the watershed and Sharon Osborne looking like a drunken freak caught in a wind tunnel - the only highlights so far..
Hang on - Mumford and sons, now that's more like it
At least they got it right with the Album of the Year Award.
Disappointed Fun didn't win owt :-(
Get it switched on Dot, Robbie is on! ;) x
Turn over and watched the footy
I'm probably too old for the brits. That's why I'm on here.
switched over watched a movie.

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Is It Just Me Or Is This Brits Show.........

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