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Answers Connected To Nursery Rhymes

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nilteen | 13:55 Thu 21st Feb 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
1. Couple who made washing up easy
2. This is the story of a male donkey and a liquid measure
4. Whose garden has shells and bells?
5. Half a dozen little animals were making thread


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3. The House That Jack Built
4.Mary, Mary Quite Contrary
1. Jack and Jill ?
2 Jack and Jill (Sorry Mazie if thats what you meant)

Jack (A Male Donkey)
Jill (Sounds like Gill)
Whoops yes...2. not 1.
Question Author
Thank you Mazie and Emeritus - still looking
3. The house that Jack built (anagram)
six little mice sat down to spin
Well done mally. I've never heard of that one
Jack Sprat could eat no fat his wife could eat no lean so between them both they licked the platter clean
Question Author
Well done to all
nor have i mazie just looked up nursery rhymes with six in (p.s.good songs yesterday lol)

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