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Silly Old Fool

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giveup | 15:44 Thu 21st Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Just put my coffe in the fridge instead of the microwave to warm up.


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I'm always doing silly things - like putting teabags in the fridge milk in the cupboard. Last month I used deodorant on my hair and hairspray for my armpits. It was a sticky situation!
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Bet your hair smelled nice.

I spend half my life going into rooms/cupboards/drawers and can never remember what it is I am looking for
I've done the deodorant on the hair thing too Always. Stupid thing was I realised, chastised myself then promptly did it again. I make sure they are in different coloured cans now. I am always doing daft things, probably because my mind is always buzzing with other stuff and I'm not concentrating on the job in hand.
I poured my cereal in my glass this morning instead of the bowl
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i found the dishwasher powder in the fridge the other day

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Silly Old Fool

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