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Petrol On The Way Up Again.

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Georgiesmum | 22:39 Fri 22nd Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I see petrol is on its way up again, and due to go up yet again in Se[tember.
Do these price rises make you use your car any less?


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No. In the same way that we don't eat any less as food prices rise.
It certainly does Georgiesmum. When we first bought our car about 5 years ago it cost us around £60 to fill up.
On Monday it was £74.
We use our bus passes as much as possible. We are fortunate inasmuch we have a door to door bus service every 10 minutes if we want to go into town.
It certainly is not obvious by the amount of traffic on the roads,although I don't think families go out on Sunday runs out like they used to do years ago!!
No, petrol rises don't make me use the car less, but the way my work is changing does.

Although atm I can't use it at all since it has a flat tyre (if I post this enough Mr BM might be shamed into changing the damn thing).
I do use the car less, the petrol being slightly dearer over here. They have a captive customer base !
The increase in petrol prices and other motoring costs (road tax rises, insurance rise) has resulted in me using my car more conservatively.

Food price increases have altered my food spending as well.

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Petrol On The Way Up Again.

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