Crosswords1 min ago
Child Car Seats
does anyone know of any car seats where you can revolve it round to face the door to put them in and secure them, then twist it so it faces the front for travelling?
Contact the In Car Safety Centre in Milton Keynes, they might be able to help you out.
21:22 Sun 24th Feb 2013
When we had boy #1 (and were completely clueless and had a stupid, non-child friendly car) we lived in Aylesbury and found the place in MK to be the best for miles. We've lived in lots of places and been to loads of baby shops but they are the best that we have experienced for car seats - making an appointment is a must though (it is a surprisingly small, tardis like place). Hope they can help.
Yes the Maxi Cosi Axiss does: http:// www.max icosiax uk/
There are probably other ones on the market too - I am sure Google will be able to give you some more suggestions
There are probably other ones on the market too - I am sure Google will be able to give you some more suggestions