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owdhamer | 20:44 Sun 17th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
My dialects are poor


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Hi Owd, how are you? Tony has gone to bed, has to be up at 5 a.m. for 6 o'clock start xx
Hello Owd.....nice to see you post. Love Gx
Hi are things ? Xx
evening ((owd)), hope things are improving

love to mrs o x
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Yer feckin ear holes will hum tony boy

nice to see you up on here again, hows it hanging?
Eric I have only just seen this thread of yours and I know that you will not be able to see my reply but It has been a privilege and a pleasure to have known you RIP Eric.
And you were right my ears did fecking hum.
I have a lump in my throat and also a smile on my face reading this post.
Same here mrs o.
I had spoken to Eric on the phone earlier that evening and he was having trouble understanding my accent and I was having trouble understanding his, it was hilarious and I will remember it for ever.
^^tony, you were lucky it was only yer bloody ears!!...
Yes sloopy it could have been errr much worse lol, good old Eric God bless him.

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